Thursday, January 19, 2012

A Lifetime of Goals, Ambitions and Aspirations

On the advice of one of my favorite people in the world, Leilani, I decided to put together a list of goals, ambitions and aspirations. My hope is that I can accomplish each and every one of the tasks on here and that I will keep adding things to the list as I check others off. The goals range from small and realistic to the more challenging and optimistic. Here goes!

1. Be awesome
2. Go to Hawaii for Sean’s wedding
3. Graduate from UCI with at least a 3.0  2.9 and change
4. Drink the old bottle of beer
5. Score at least 1 goal a season in my soccer league
6. Visit family in NorCal during the summer
7. Go to at least one Giants game at AT and T Park
8. Go to 5 Angels games
9. Run three days a week
10. Complete a tough running challenge (Urbanathalon, Tough Mudder, etc…)
11. Attend Randi’s wedding
12. Spend 2-3 weeks in Europe
13. Visit the Bodels in Oxford
14. Get into an internship!
15. Take another psychology class
16. Learn to play the piano
17. Go hiking
18. Trail running
19. Find a career that I love
20. Cook more often (besides just pasta dishes)
21. Blog more
22. Finish The Girl Who Played With Fire
23. Read The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet’s Nest
24. Finish other books still needing to be read
25. Finish the last half of the final season of Prison Break
26. Put on some muscle, somehow, someway
27. Improve snowboarding skills: carving!
28. Learn how to dance respectably
29. See a Chiefs game in Kansas City
30. Attend Mardi Gras with the bro
31. Take a cross country road trip with a/some friends
32. Live in at least one big U.S. city
33. Take a ride on the Rocky Mountaineer through Canada
34. Visit or live in: Chicago, Boston, New York (again)
35. Visit all 30 baseball stadiums (10 down so far…)
36. Go snowboarding in another state
37. Live in at least two European countries
38. Live in Canada
39. Learn some French
40. Drive on the autobahn
41. Snowboard the Alps
42. Ride the Orient Express
43. 50 countries by the time I’m 50
44. Go to a multi-day concert: i.e. Stagecoach, Lollapalooza
45. Volunteer: build a house, plant trees, etc…
46. Meet a girl, fall in love
47. Get married
48. Have kids
49. Buy a new car
50. Buy a house
51. Stay active, no matter what
52. Call someone a “young whippersnapper” when I’m old
53. Be awesome


- Watch all four major tennis tournaments in person. (Australian Open, French Open, Wimbledon, U.S. Open)
- Complete a tough man style competition, i.e. Tough Mudder, UK Tough Guy
- Visit Amarillo by morning.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Beyond Potential

For quite some time now, I had been floating the idea of writing a blog that was tentatively set to be called, "Moving Beyond Mediocrity". The basis of the subject was rooted in my thoughts surrounding a smaller percentage of people who sought greatness for themselves, versus the larger population that just wanted to live a comfortable, happy and healthy life. Today though, I was inspired to move this blog post in a different direction and write about the notion of potential.

Potential is a concept that many of us are without a doubt, very familiar with. It is something that each individual has heaped upon them from the day they are born. Our parents dream of the potential we might be able to achieve as we grow into adulthood. For some, it is becoming a doctor, lawyer, firefighter, or even the President of the United States. But this potential doesn't stop with our parents and family members. It shifts to our school teachers who judge our intelligence and learning capacities. To our employers who determine whether we are fit to seek that coveted promotion or raise. External potential though, is just one of many motivating forces. Perhaps the greatest emphasis on potential is that which we place upon ourselves. What is it that we do with all of this potential to be something or someone special? Do we use it as motivation to get the best education, the best job, and live the lives so many people dreamed we would? Or do we squander that potential, live a life below our capacities and never really reach the greatness within?

This question of potential is one that I see constantly surrounding me in friends, family and in myself. Most of these individuals inspire me with their desire to fulfill and exceed their potential. Whether it be my brother with his amazing wife, kids, job and home or a former classmate who travels the globe after maximizing his education potential. People like my friend James, who follows his free spirit and immerses himself within new cultures and countries. Or my friend from Oxford whose drive to become a model has taken her from the U.S. to China, Mexico and more. Each of these individuals and so many more inspire me everyday to work towards reaching my potential. And let's face it, that's not something I have lived up to so far.

This year I will be 29 years old, one shy of the big 3-0. I have two quarters or twenty weeks left to complete my bachelor's degree which has been 10 years in the making. With a lot of hard work and some luck, I will be able to take a step forward in fulfilling my potential whatever that ultimately may be. Since elementary school that potential has waned. I was always the kid who could get good grades if I was willing to apply myself. My grades began to decline in middle school and worsened in high school. Despite not being a delinquent, a drug user, or anything of that nature, I barely made it through high school. I was less prepared for community college and it wasn't until 2008 that I decided it was time for a change. Now, I do alright for myself, I pass my classes with some A's and a number of B's. But here again that tricky word potential comes around and tells me that I could be getting straight A's if I really applied myself. A career, if I applied myself.

Now I have decided that this is the year that I'm going to start living up to the potential and applying myself. Not because it is 2012 or because it is some sort of half hearted New Year's resolution. No, this is the year that I'm going to put my foot forward because it's time. Time to reach for the stars, time to be something more than mediocre, time to be an adult. I have said before that this is going to be a big year and I meant it. There are a tremendous amount of goals and items I have placed on my plate for this year and I intend to meet every one. I am moving beyond potential.